I teach classes in ecology, evolution, science communication, and plant diversity. Here are some of the courses I used to teach fairly regularly (and hope to again someday!)
BIOL 1010 - General Biology
Introductory biology for non-majors with an emphasis on the process of science and principles common to all domains of life; topics include metabolism, inheritance, evolution, organismal structure and function. Lecture 2 hours, laboratory 3 hours. No credit toward Biology major or minor.
BIOL 3200 - Professional Writing in the Life Sciences
Pre-requisite: ENG 1050 or equivalent. Co-requisite: BIOL 3000. Introduction to writing techniques and conventions within the life sciences; intensive practice in discipline-specific communication including research papers, reviews, presentations, curriculum vitae, and professional letters. Lecture 1 hour, activity 6 hours.
BIOL 3500 - Evolution
Prerequisite: BIOL 3400. Genetic and ecological bases of evolutionary change in living organisms; microevolution and population genetics, speciation, and macroevolution.
BIOL 4400 - Plant Systematics
Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in BIOL 1200. Principles of phylogenetic analysis and classification; land plant evolutionary diversity; identification and relationships of major angiosperm families. Lecture 1 hours, laboratory 6 hours; weekend field trips may be required.
BIOL 4500 - Botanical Medicine
Prerequisite: Completion of the BIOL 1100-1200 series. Historical and modern use of plant-derived medicines in culturally and ecologically diverse medical systems; taxonomy and biochemical properties of plants used to treat disorders of major human physiological systems. Lecture 3 hours.
Introductory biology for non-majors with an emphasis on the process of science and principles common to all domains of life; topics include metabolism, inheritance, evolution, organismal structure and function. Lecture 2 hours, laboratory 3 hours. No credit toward Biology major or minor.
BIOL 3200 - Professional Writing in the Life Sciences
Pre-requisite: ENG 1050 or equivalent. Co-requisite: BIOL 3000. Introduction to writing techniques and conventions within the life sciences; intensive practice in discipline-specific communication including research papers, reviews, presentations, curriculum vitae, and professional letters. Lecture 1 hour, activity 6 hours.
BIOL 3500 - Evolution
Prerequisite: BIOL 3400. Genetic and ecological bases of evolutionary change in living organisms; microevolution and population genetics, speciation, and macroevolution.
BIOL 4400 - Plant Systematics
Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in BIOL 1200. Principles of phylogenetic analysis and classification; land plant evolutionary diversity; identification and relationships of major angiosperm families. Lecture 1 hours, laboratory 6 hours; weekend field trips may be required.
BIOL 4500 - Botanical Medicine
Prerequisite: Completion of the BIOL 1100-1200 series. Historical and modern use of plant-derived medicines in culturally and ecologically diverse medical systems; taxonomy and biochemical properties of plants used to treat disorders of major human physiological systems. Lecture 3 hours.